Many colleges offer high school students a chance to attend their institution and get a better perspective on college life or obtain a better education. Many students take advantage of what they are given and benefit from it. The image of high school students taking college classes may be one of smart kids with manners, a willingness to learn and a bit more maturity than some other high school kids. It’s not necessarily accurate, but one class in particular helps illustrate the different levels of maturity that high school students possess.
This class (which will not be named to protect the teacher and students) is like being back in high school all over again. The same kids always sit in the back and talk non-stop.
The teacher has the right and authority to kick any student out if they are disruptive. But instead, the teacher offers the student or students a chance to continue a conversation or discussion with a classmate outside where it will not interfere with the lesson.
Yes these are still high school kids, but they need some manners when they attend class in college. There are still high school kids in college who are polite and do think of others while they are in class. There are many who are usually shy about meeting or talking with college students.
Why do some of the high school kids disrespect their teachers and fellow students in high school or here in college? Do they think their college status gives them some sort of pass because they are smarter or better than others? Is it all an ego trip? Could they be too comfortable in the class due to the teacher’s lack of discipline?
Who knows?
One man who knows is a developmental psychology professor at Ventura College, Mark Pauley. “Most people develop in their late teens, early 20s,” said Pauley. “The brain is still developing…college is one social structure that assists with the maturing process.”
College is supposed to be a time of fun and freedom from what high school was, but there are certain restrictions. One main restriction would be inside of the classroom. Students pay good money to attend these classes and expect to learn something.
But I know that there are other high school kids that do respect others around them and their teacher and I hope that many of these high school kids have great success when they attend a major university.
There is always a time and place for everything. Talking to friends and being disruptive while in class is not the place at any time.