There are approximately 100 individual scholarships available to Moorpark College students. On average, these scholarships offer $500-$1,000 each.
One-hundred-fifty-eight scholarships, totaling almost $100,000 were awarded to Moorpark College students last year. Because many of these scholarships are transfer eligible scholarships, spring is when a lot of transfer scholarships are available. Most deadline dates for all applications are April 2 and 5.
There are some general requirements that are critical to each application. All of these scholarships have specific requirements which can be found in the “Scholarship News” pamphlet located in the scholarship office of Margaret Ramos, the scholarship technician at Moorpark College.
An autobiography-type essay is needed with each submission. According to the “Scholarship News” pamphlet, one of the main components of an eye catching essay is to make it unique and memorable.
The average GPA requirement ranges from 2.5-3.7, but the average is 3.0. Not all scholarships require students to have a GPA requirement. For all scholarships, the applicant must be a full-time student at Moorpark College, which is considered 12 units.
Many scholarships require letters of recommendation. A strong letter could take an application from being a contender to being a winner.
“Scholarships are competitive, but the smaller your application pool the better your chances are,” said Ramos. “That’s why the scholarships that are internal for our students are a great opportunity for students to give it a try.”