“Fearless” by Ronny Yu and starring Jet Li is a martial arts epic in the purest sense. I say martial arts epic instead of kung fu because this movie incorporates different fighting styles from all over the world. Watching these styles pit up against each other is what makes “Fearless” so interesting to watch. Even before the opening credits, “Fearless” immerses you right into the action. The year is 1910 during the height of colonialism and much of China is occupied by the western powers. Huo Yuanjia (Jet Li) is competing against four fighters from different cultures. One a boxer, the other using the European rapier style and another wielding a western spear. Yuanjia disposes of them in that respectable, calm kung fu style. His last opponent, a Japanese samurai, steps up brandishing his katana. Then the screen goes black and the title “Fearless” slaps you in the face. The rest of the movie is mostly a flashback leading up to the competition. During this flashback, Yuanjia is not the enlightened kung fu master you recognize. But instead an arrogant man who cares only about strength and becoming the champion of his hometown, Tianjian. During a match with the last opponent before he becomes champion, he loses his temper and kills his opponent. The victim’s son kills Yuanjia’s mother and daughter in revenge. Broken and shattered, he leaves Tianjian no longer caring if he lives or dies. He is then saved by a village and discovers a new meaning to his life and something else to fight for. Yuen Wo Ping (“The Matrix”, “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon”) choreographs the amazing fight scenes. He manages to blend classic Wu Xia cinema style with modern techniques creating beautiful images as swords and fist clash against each other. The exposition is a bit cliched and can sometimes drag on a bit making you wait impatiently for the next fight scene. And all the dialog is in subtitles. But “Fearless” is not a thinking movie and should be enjoyed purely for the action. This is Jet Li’s final martial arts film and should be seen by anybody who has the least bit of interest in martial arts.
Jet Li brings ‘Fearless’ performance to the big screen in his final martial arts epic
Critic’s Rating: 8/10
By Eric Lee
September 27, 2006
The wrestler, Hercules O’Brien, is just one of many opponents Jet Li’s character, Huo Yiuanjia faces.
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