Former Ventura College Veterans Club ICC Representative Chris Lara-Cruz will be heading to office this fall as the new Associated Students of Ventura College President after winning the presidential bid in the elections for the 2011-2012 school year.
Despite the efforts of his competition, Lara-Cruz was able to obtain a victory over the leading candidate Jacqui Arroyo.
With a myriad of ideas already flowing through his mind, Lara-Cruz is eager to begin his term in office.
“I want to leave a legacy that we actually were the voice of the students and the students were actively involved in shaping their future as well as their children’s future,” said Lara-Cruz in an email.
Joining him in office will be Vice President-elect Antonio Tovar, Treasurer-elect Christina Diaz and Executive Secretary-elect Rebecca Martin. Also on the board will be Director of External Affairs-Elect Daniel Chavez and the two Senator-elects Dominick O’Leary and Suzanna Erickson.
“This looks like a good group and I think that they are going to have a great year,” said Student Activities Advisor Rick Trevino.
The League of Women voters stepped in to make sure the voting processes were executed properly. Approximately 600 students voted in the elections.
“I want to get more people involved with our local, state and federal elections,” said Lara-Cruz in an email. “I want to encourage and help the students of Ventura College see that our vote does count.”