Eligible students may be unaware of EOPS benefits
Herbert English (right) is the EOPS/CARE Coordinator for Moorpark College. The EOPS/CARE Office helps find financial support for students with economic and educational disadvantages. (Travis Wesley)
September 9, 2014
Students in need of additional financial support can find assistance through the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services offered at Moorpark College. However, Coordinator Herbert English says that roughly, only 3 percent of the students at Moorpark College are using these services.
“Most students are unaware of the program until they experience financial needs and are referred to the program,” said English.
EOPS helps qualifying students succeed and reach their academic goals and ambitions, despite any financial and academic challenges they may face. It is the goal of EOPS to encourage students to take advantage of the program and reach academic success.
“I did not know that the EOPS program existed,” said 22-year-old Moorpark College student Ashley Scalise. “Had I known about all the benefits this program offered, I would have applied much sooner. It would have helped me tremendously!”
According to English, the EOPS program will participate in campus events and college fairs at the local high schools to get the word out about the program and increase the number of students enrolled.
EOPS students this Fall were awarded book vouchers, parking permits, priority registration, enrollment in the Laptop Loan Program, and priority counseling. EOPS counselors are also available to help students navigate through their college goals.
Whether transferring to a four-year university or obtaining an Associate Degree, EOPS offers support throughout the student’s academic journey.
www.moorparkcollege.edu/eops EOPS Office is located in Fountain Hall.