Full stream ahead: prepare for a faster Wi-Fi connection

Student John Scholl displays how hard it is to obtain Wi-Fi at times Photo credit: Julien Levangie

By Julien Levangie

To increase students’ Wi-Fi accessibility, the college has begun establishing a better system of connectivity by replacing old wireless devices with better, more up-to-date hardware.

Down in the AC, students have said how lackluster the service has been. The main complaint is that the school’s Wi-Fi greeting page either doesn’t show up or it takes 20 minutes for it to just load, and when it does it’s hard to log on.

“It sucks,” said Hillary Michalle, Moorpark student. “It will connect, then disconnect.”

With regards to these complications, Director of Information Technology Services Dan McMichael is working to create a solution.

“We’re also replacing the old axis points within the building with new ones,” said McMichael. “[The] density of students going on the Wi-Fi can saturate an axis point, causing a slow-down. It’s kinda like a freeway at rush-hour, everyone is using the Wi-Fi all at the same time.”

McMichael also plans on expanding better Wi-Fi coverage to the outside areas of the college campus, making the experience good inside and out of the classrooms. He believes the Wi-Fi will be better by the end of the semester.

“We’re in the process of filling in the gaps, it’s a rolling project that we’re constantly fixing,” said McMichael.

If you’re having problems anywhere else on campus with the college’s Wi-Fi, here are a few tips from students that can help you sync up.

  • Try to access the Wi-Fi in Fountain Hall and near the front of the Library for a better connection.
  • Refresh the login home screen and/or move to a place where there’s better reception, according to Ariana Arreola, a 29-year-old nursing major.
  • Avoid using Wi-Fi at the Art building, AC, and bottom floor of the library.