Quick, internship deadline approaching
Bridget Fornaro, 20, working at her internship for the publicity department at Warner Bros. Records in Burbank. Photo credit: Tony Fornaro
February 9, 2016
The deadline is approaching to submit applications for internships for the spring semester.
Internships can provide an invaluable opportunity for students to decide if their chosen career path is right for them, according to Bridget Fornaro, 20-year-old journalism major, who completed an internship at Atlantic Records over the summer.
“It can show you if you want to go in that field or not,” Fornaro said. “It reignited my love and my passion.”
Any student planning on completing an internship during the spring semester is required to attend one of three available orientations and submit their internship contract by Feb. 17, according to the Career Transfer Center. Career Counselor Wendy Berg also recommends attending one of the voluntary information workshops offered there, especially if a student is unsure about how to obtain an internship.
“I have a list of tons of ideas of how to get internships,” said Berg. “Of course always the best way is to network with your professors because the vast majority of professors are going to have leads about internships.”
These workshops are every Wednesday and Thursday until Feb. 11 from 3:30 to 4 p.m. in Fountain Hall 117.
Students interested in getting college credit for an internship must first obtain an internship, either paid or unpaid. Students must then complete an application and submit it to the Career Transfer Canter for that internship to be accepted for credit.
Once approved, students must attend one of the two remaining mandatory orientations. Those orientations are Tuesday, 2/9, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in FH 117 and Thursday, 2/18, from 4:30 – 6 p.m. in FH 220.
The final date to enroll for the program is Feb. 18. Enrollment is separate from submitting an application. Students will receive a course reference number upon the acceptance of their application and can use that to enroll for credit.
More information about internships is available here or at the Career Transfer Center in Fountain Hall, FH 110. The office can be reached by phone at (805)378-1536.