Students and faculty are encouraged to join the Moorpark College’s National Alliance for Mental Illness Club at the NAMIWalk fundraiser to raise awareness for those affected by mental illness.
“Whether you donate or not, by showing up you’re supporting an organization that gives so much,” said Maayan Carmi, 20, NAMI club vice president. “Supporting people around you who are dealing with this kind of stuff.”
The NAMIWalks Ventura County fundraiser walk will begin at the Ventura Beach Promenade on Apr. 30 at 9 a.m. The club will also host an informational table on the Promenade.
Three quarters of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin at age 24, said NAMI faculty adviser Diane Scrofano. The Moorpark College health center has recently seen a dramatic increase in cases of mental illness, including cases of overwhelming anxiety.
“Students are really, heavily affected by it,” said Scrofano.
The Moorpark College walk-team had about 20 walkers last year, said Scrofano. She expects the same number this year.
Scrofano said the walk is very welcoming and doable for participants at any level of fitness, taking less than an hour for most.
The ocean side walk is not only beautiful; it is also a lot of fun.
“A lot of people bring their animals… walk their dog,” Scrofano said. “One time we saw a little piglet on a leash.”
NAMI is a non-profit organization that provides resources, support and advocacy for those affected by mental illness. The club participates in the annual NAMIWalks Ventura County fundraiser to raise funds for its local programs and to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness.
For more information visit the NAMIWalks Ventura County web page