Pay your way with Cash for College
Financial Aid technicians Roberta Chinery and Paulina Salazar Perez work on a computer in the Financial Aid check-in area in the campus Fountain Hall, Oct. 20. The Financial Aid department will hold the Cash for College workshop to help students financially prepare for college on Saturday, Oct. 22.
October 20, 2016
Community colleges across Ventura County are helping assist students and their parents to financially prepare for the potentially challenging prospect of paying for college with the Cash for College workshop.
On Saturday, October 22, the Financial Aid department at Moorpark College will be hosting Cash for College, a workshop aimed towards helping students and parents applying for the 2017/2018 FAFSA, the California Dream Act, and the Chafee applications.
Kimberly Korinke, Financial Aid officer at Moorpark College, stresses the importance of coming to the event in order to fill out forms as early as possible.
“It’s important to encourage everyone to come down and get their FAFSA done as soon as possible,” said Korinke. “That way they have a good plan for next year, they’re already ahead of the game, and they’re getting their applications done. That way, when they start to decide what college you want to go to next, they have their applications ready to send to the college they want to go to.”
The event will be hosted in the Fountain Hall atrium, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is free to attend for students, parents, and the public.
For those filling out applications, you should be prepared to bring the following:
- 2015 student/parent tax information
- 2015 student/parent 2015 W2 forms
- Other 2015 income information for student/parents
- Social security numbers (or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals-DACA number) for student/parents
- Alien registration number (A#), if you have one
- Driver’s license, if you have one.
For more information regarding Cash for College, contact the Financial Aid office at (805) 378-1262 or visit their web page at