Wigs, make-up, and wardrobes
Cassidy von Kronemann, 22, prepares her makeup for the upcoming rehearsal. Photo credit: James Schaap
March 1, 2017
Makeup, Hair and Costume are key essentials for any notable production in the theater arts. The creative crew here at Moorpark College has been hard at work making sure every detail is perfect to ensure the success of “Hair”.
The makeup artists and costume designers realize the significant impact makeup, hair, and costume have on the visual presentation of the musical. According to makeup designer Sam Silveira, their role is to enhance the audience’s perception of the show.
“When you go to a theatre to watch a play, the audience is expected to suspend their disbelief to be transported into the world of the play,” Silveira said.
The creative elements are a thorough and well thought out process with many moving pieces. Many long hours and dedication have been put in by the cast and crew. Marissa Silecchio, the hair supervisor, had been brainstorming ever since she was informed about the show in order to bring her vision to life.
“I wanted to make sure this wasn’t your stereotypical portrayal of hippies,” said Silecchio. “It involved extensive research which included watching movies, looking at protest pictures and watching, ‘Across the Universe’.”
Communication is a vital for every individual involved behind the scenes. Everyone has to keep that in mind as opening night quickly approaches.
“Making sure what we designers feel the characters should look like and line up with our directors vision of how he wants the character visually portrayed is a challenge,’’ Silveira said.
Each character has a unique and specific appearance to set them apart from one another. Makeup artists keep this in mind as they look to perfect each and every character’s image. Hayley Westenskow, one of many makeup artists for the production, acknowledges the importance of every individual in the cast looking distinct.
“Each character has a backstory even if they aren’t a lead,” Westenskow said. “Every last detail and design is tailored for not only the character, but the actor portraying them as well.”
The whirlwind of hard work and dedication that has gone on behind the scenes over the past few months has been quite remarkable. The Hair supervisor, Jordan Oss, has seen it all and anticipates what is yet to come for this cast and crew.
“It is a fast pace working environment and very high stress,” said Oss. “We look like chickens with our heads cut off most of the times but when the crew gets their jobs done, we always end up proud of our work. We are all in it for the same goal: to make a great show happen and make the audience who came to support it, happy.”