Insurance is far from cheap, but with only a $20 fee at the time of class registration, students have access to more than they could imagine.
The student health center has a range of benefits for students attending Moorpark College. Whether for a headache, a flu shot, or even finding a lactation room, the health center is the number one place to visit.
Sharon Manakas, the student health service coordinator who has been with the college for over 25 years, urges students to take advantage of what is provided for them.
As a non-profit, the main purpose of the student health center has, and will always be, the health of students.

Lip balms, first aid treatment, and condoms are all easily, and discreetly found in the front office. Although depending on the services there will be a slight fee, Manakas compared the $12 cholesterol check on campus to a $184 doctor visit.
“We’re trying to keep you in the classroom,” said Manakas. Visiting the student health center saves students time on the road and money. Immunizations and TB Assessments are some additional services offered on campus for fees:
- Flu Vaccine ($20)
- TB Skin Test ($8)
- Varicella ($125)

The health center is tailored with student’s privacy in mind because they don’t bill insurance companies or have deductibles. Fear of parents, a significant other, or societal pressure should not stop students from checking out the center. No personal information or record of treatment will become a part of a student’s academic record, nor will they give out any information to anyone other than the student.
“Seek healthcare when [they] have a problem,” said Manakas when asked about what students should do more. “Good consumers are preventative in nature.”
Services are available for all and though there are countless services for all genders, females tend to seek healthcare more than males according to Allison Barton, health educator at Moorpark College.
Sexual health, counseling, and immunizations are just an appointment away. The following, and more, are offered at the student health center:
- STD counseling, testing, and treatment
- Birth control
- Pregnancy tests
- Over the counter medications
- Abstinence counseling
Just as important as physical health is one’s mental well being. Mental health has not been forgotten on campus, and the student health center offers services and staff to help. Short-term and group counseling are also available to students and countless issues are discussed like:
- Alcohol and drug abuse
- Eating disorders
- Depression
- Relationship problems
Making an appointment is as easy as a call or walking in. It’s important to give both yourself and the provider time to set up, but if it’s urgent, students are more than welcome to walk-in. Found in the Administration building Room 111, the student health center is located just west of Fountain Hall.

As students, it is important to keep up with your health in order to succeed in not only school, but life. The student health center is filled with information, medication, and friendly faculty more than willing to help. Take advantage of the $20 fee even if all you do is grab a bag of condoms or a chapstick.
More information on the student health center can be found on the Moorpark College website.