New club: User Experience Design Club pre-approved for spring 2020

UX Design Club President Justin Label presents the club's goals and aspirations for the semester to the ASMC Board on Tuesday, Jan. 14, in the ASMC offices. According to Label, the UX Design Club would discuss user experiences for products and websites. Photo credit: Evan Reinhardt

UX Design Club President Justin Label presents the club’s goals and aspirations for the semester to the ASMC Board on Tuesday, Jan. 14, in the ASMC offices. According to Label, the UX Design Club would discuss user experiences for products and websites. Photo credit: Evan Reinhardt

By Dominic D'Amico

Tuesday night, the ASMC Board of Directors voted to approve the formation of a new club called the User Experience Design Club, pending minor adjustments to the club constitution. The now conditionally-approved UX Design Club will focus on discussing and studying the ins and outs of user experience design and how it can improve products’ ease of use.

UX Design Club President Justin Label presented the case for his new club to the board at the Tuesday meeting and fielded questions from board members. In the presentation, Label demonstrated what the club’s focus would be by analyzing bits of design from Amazon, Google and stovetops. Initially, Label intends for the club to focus on analyzing and learning more about user experience design, but would later try to reach a point where members can learn to design and make their own mockups.

After his presentation, Label elaborated on what drew him to start this club, stating, “I was fascinated by the idea of all aspects of design from start to finish.”

When the time came to vote, ASMC Director of Sustainability James Pollock put forward the motion to approve the UX Design Club.

When asked what drew him to put forward the initial motion, Pollock stated, “I thought their goals were really good. There’s some validity in having a club like that on campus that brings together multiple majors like psychology, computer sciences, and some entrepreneurship and business, all into one group.”

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Director of Sustainability James Pollock deliberates with his fellow ASMC members during their meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 14, in the ASMC conference room. Photo credit: Evan Reinhardt

Director of Student Services Rebecca Gabra also voted to approve the UX Design Club.

“I really liked the idea that [Label] had. It’s something that we don’t really take into consideration, the whole user-friendly design and making things more accessible to people,” Gabra stated. “I thought that was really cool and necessary to have on campus.”

With Club Rush just around the corner, UX Design Club President Label stated he would like to get a booth at Club Rush and recruit more students. As for future goals, Label also stated he would be interested in working with other clubs and groups in order to put their designs into practice.