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News, sports, entertainment and opinions about the Moorpark College community

Moorpark College Reporter

News, sports, entertainment and opinions about the Moorpark College community

Moorpark College Reporter

News, sports, entertainment and opinions about the Moorpark College community

Moorpark College Reporter

Image courtesy of Ventura County Animal Services

Runaway water buffalo wanders onto the Moorpark College campus

By Gabriel Sanchez-Rivera November 21, 2023

Earlier this month, a water buffalo managed to wander off of its property and found its way onto the Moorpark College campus.The buffalo was returned safely to its owner with the combined effort of the...

Photo courtesy of the VCCCD Police Department.

Moorpark College on-campus Catalytic Converter theft leaves $2500 in repairs

By Rachel Franklin March 16, 2021
Moorpark College Police Department issued a catalytic converter theft warning. Thieves left roughly $2500 in damages after stealing five catalytic converters from Moorpark College maintenance and operations (M&O) vehicles parked on the Moorpark College campus over President’s Day weekend last month.
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