As the ASVC President, I felt that there was a strong feeling of unrest and disappointment on campus in light of the recent economic downturn and the educational budget cut announcements. As an activity pro-active political participation, the ASVC is presenting “SUPER WEDNESDAY: Letter to the Governor Signature Collection Rally,” on Wed. Dec. 3.
A large scroll of paper with a handwritten letter to the governor will be made available for all students, faculty and administrators to come and sign off on. We’re hoping to collect at least 3,000 signatures, so the scroll aspect is very important because it allows the letter to be 80-120 feet long. The rally runs from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., allowing 12 hours for collection time. Once complete, the scroll itself will be rolled up and delivered to the governor with proof of receipt required. Participants will be recognized with a sticker which states “12.03.08 I Signed Off to the Governator. Super Wednesday @ Ventura College.”