Multicultural Day celebrates its 20th anniversary on Tuesday, April 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Moorpark College.
According to Associated Students Director of Student Organizations Mackenzie Fuller, Multicultural Day is an opportunity for students to broaden their cultural horizons.
“[The event] is for the students to get to learn and experience other aspects of culture, [the] music and religion of the different cultures in their communities,” said Fuller.
Multicultural Day will offer culturally diverse activities from around the world put on by faculty, staff and students.
The cultural festival includes various forms of entertainment ranging from music, dance and foods to hands-on activities, presentations and more.
There will also be educational booths and vendors to help expand students’ minds of the world around them.
Not only is Multicultural Day a day serving the college, but it is also meant to teach others how to serve the world.
“My favorite thing about Multicultural Day is a combination: getting to learn about things I have never learned before and to learn how to serve different cultures,”
said Fuller.
In Mahatma Gandhi’s words: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”