With the start of the semester comes more responsibilities for students, but Moorpark College President Dr. Pam Eddinger has some advice to help make the process easier for the 10,600 projected students attending Moorpark College this year.
Student Voice: What should students do about impacted classes? Should they still attend waitlisted classes in the hope of getting an add code?
President Eddinger: Plan out your academic career at MC semester by semester, and double check that you are taking the appropriate classes for your goal.
If a student is on a waiting list, then the student should attend class. Students on the waitlist are automatically added to a class if a space opens up. The student should be present.
Student Voice: Do you have any suggestions for students now that we don’t have a cafeteria?
President Eddinger: Food vending machines and microwaves will be available in the cafeteria shortly. There are also restaurants in the immediate neighborhood for those with transportation and wishes to leave campus. Some students choose to bring a home lunch to reheat or a sack lunch.
Student Voice: Do you think that students wondering whether or not to participate in extra curricular activities at the school should take advantage of what’s offered?
President Eddinger: The college experience can be as rich and varied or as focused as a student wants, depending on the individual need. For many, the extra-curricular activities contribute to learning in leadership, teamwork, or further an interest that may develop into something substantial and meaningful over time. We provide a number of extra-curricular activities through Associated Students. I hope our students will consider these as they start their semester. Club Rush will take place along Raider Walk…come and see what’s available.
If you are having trouble finding the classes that you need, then try looking at the two other colleges in our district, Oxnard and Ventura. They may have classes not offered at Moorpark or ones that are full at the moment.
There are currently over 200 open classes and approximately 300 waitlisted classes that are available to students at Moorpark College.
If you are unsure about what classes to take in the upcoming semesters, now is a great time to see a counselor. To schedule a meeting with a counselor, go to the Counseling Office in the Administration Building or call them at (805)378-1428.