Dear Jennifer,
I was dating a guy for a few months and was totally into him. But eventually our relationship fizzled out and he didn’t really want anything to do with me. After getting over that, I started to talk to his best friend. But now, I have started to like his best friend and we have even hooked up a few times. I can’t see this as being a good thing because I dated his best friend! Now I am completely torn and don’t really know if I should pursue this relationship any further than it already has. What should I do?
Dear Bewildered,
Looks like you have a fork in the road! I suggest you ask the best friend what he wants out of it. I am assuming he knows that you dated his friend and that it ended for a reason. If he is ok with still dating you then I would say go for it! Who cares if your ex is his best friend? It may cause some tension when your ex sees you and his best friend together but he gave you up so that’s his loss. But make sure that all the feelings are mutual and that these “hook ups” don’t just mean “hook ups.”
Dear Jennifer,
My boyfriend and I have been contemplating marriage for the last year or so. We are very much in love but with a love life about as exciting as watching cattle graze, I just don’t see that happening. Two weeks ago we met with a pre-marriage counselor who he commended we try new things in bed prior to tying the knot. We tried all the usual things and in the end I only can recommend about a dozen things not to try. My boyfriend however has really gotten into this. The problem is his tastes have gotten a lot more exotic. He’s really gotten into the whole “foods as a sex toys” thing. What’s worse is that he introduces things, amongst them various forms of produce, unannounced. Needless to say I’m not into this at all. I’ve told him this is not my thing but he insists that nothing else has worked and this really is his thing. I honestly don’t understand the appeal. So are we doomed?
Dear Disturbed,
The key phrase you said is “we are very much in love.” This is all that should matter because then you can either accept the new “produce” or you can talk it through with him. Maybe sometimes you can do it his way and other times your way. Communication is always important and if you don’t enjoy what he brings to bed then you should speak up! As long as you both are on the same page then you’ll be just fine.