The Harmony of Folk and Spiritual Songs at Multicultural Day

By Brian Varela, Staff writer

On Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., outside of Fountain Hall, facing the library, the sounds of Moorpark College’s Concert Choir and Vocal Ensemble were heard singing to the angels.

The concert was split into two acts. In the first act, the Concert Choir sang “Ching-A-Ring Chaw” by Aaron Copland, “We Rise Again” and “The Drunken Sailor” by Robert Sunds. “We Rise Again” had two solos performed by Mary Mars and Peng Wang.

Act Two consisted of “Elijah Rock” by Moses Hogan, “Ezekiel Saw De Wheel” by William L. Dawson and “Rejoice” with solos by Maia and Michael. Here the Vocal Ensemble had the opportunity to display their talent. The Vocal Ensemble differs from the Concert Choir in the fact that one has to audition to join. Anyone can join the Concert Choir.

Led by Professor Jinyoung Jang, both choirs joined in a sort of encore in a portrayal of Richard’s Rodgers’s “Oklahoma.”

Through the entire presentation, Jang would pause between songs to explain the upcoming song. It gave the performance a more intimate feel as the audiences was standing something like 25 feet away from the choir.

“[Jang] is just fantastic,” said 20-year-old music major and Concert Choir member Shirely Chikukw.