Multicultural Day brings the Egyptian Revolution up for discussion

By Saffana Hijaz, Staff Writer

World affairs have recently become more prevalent due to the increase in social media available to us. With all this possible the news quickly picked up on all that had happened in Egypt, making the revolution a worldwide topic.

The hour-long lecture was given by Dr. Nancy Gallagher, who delved into the history of Egypt, all it’s presidents, and the placement of the government.

“I would not say that it was a revolution but an uprising, because the military was there the whole time,” said Gallagher.

With oppression playing a huge factor in the rise against the police and government, all suffered greatly. The police salary earned was 20 dollars per month, initiating the bribe-taking and arresting of innocent civilians to rob them of whatever they had, just to get by.

“That certainly happens here, but not to the extent in Egypt,” said Gallagher.

With a challenge of finding the right leader to rule the country of Egypt, they have had no luck and are still led by the military, as they were always there even when President’s were present.