Spring registration attracts current and potential students
Moorpark College offers 1,500 classes a semester in 70 disciplines, including lower division preparation in a wide variety of transfer majors for the Baccalaureate degree and programs which lead to Associate degrees and Certificates of Achievement. It also offers numerous Occupational Majors in areas geared to local and national employment needs and trends.
November 19, 2014
Now that spring registration is available, students scramble to meet with counselors, plan their class schedules, and fulfill transfer requirements.
Priority registration for classes began Nov. 12, and registration starts Nov. 24 for new students. Open Registration begins on Dec. 8 with new classes and options for students.
“I am really excited for this next semester,” said Political Science Major Derek Dowd. “I’m hoping there are a few more online class options, but I really like how diverse the classes are because there are a lot to choose from.”
New classes being added for students next semester include Literary Magazine Publication, The World Ocean, and Play Writing I and II. Play Writing I will give experience to students interested in writing and provide an opportunity to have their work reviewed, whether it’s a play, stand-up comedy routine, or even slam poetry, and possibly performed the following semester in the Student One Acts.
“I think in community college, people have the chance to explore themselves a bit and this is an opportunity to do that,” said Theater Arts professor Kathy Lewis. “It looks really good on a college transcript to have something you created be produced and gives students a sense of confidence.”
As local high school students start applying for universities, some are taking the initiative to register for spring classes at Moorpark College.
“I want to use this time to get a head start on my college career,” said Austin Scott, a student at Grace Brethren High School. “I’ve heard many good things about Moorpark especially about the TAG program. It’s really good for students like me who need an academic fresh start.”
Students are taking advantage of the financial opportunities Moorpark has to offer this semester as well. Tuition fees for students at Moorpark College, at $46 a unit, are substantially lower compared to California State University students, who are paying over $2,000 for six or more units, according to calstate.edu. Students seize the opportunity to expand their knowledge into different fields as rates for classes at Moorpark are lower than many other local colleges.
“I try to have at least one ‘fun’ class each semester to relieve stress and motivate me to continue to go to classes,” said 19-year-old student, Kelli Matthews. “It’s easy to find something that’ll keep my interest because Moorpark has such a wide variety available.”
For more information on registering for classes go to the Counseling Center in Fountain Hall for an express appointment.