A new radio station called KMCJ-Mooprark College is now broadcasting live 24/7 making it easy for students to listen to music and get news regarding the campus.
The Film Television and Media department (FTVM) has a new course that gives students the chance to broadcast live. Students in the class are given an hour a week to have their show.
Jason Beaton, a professional radio broadcaster, and the faculty adviser for the radio and podcasting class, felt it was about time that Moorpark College had a radio station.
“Radio is stronger than ever right now,” said Beaton.”Our students need a radio station as a lab as a part of FTVM M45 Radio and Podcasting class to practice and ready themselves for the real world.”
With over 15,400 students enrolled at Moorpark College, people need multiple ways to find out about campus news. A radio station is one of the best mediums to get up-to-date information fast and easy according to Patricia Ewins, the Dean of Student Learning.
Ewins says a campus radio station provides an instructive experience for students.
“The importance of having a radio station gives great advantages such as training future employees for the industry,” said Ewins. “A radio station gives new information in a variety of ways, like listening to podcasts at your convenience. It’s a twofold situation, as well as gives fun and enjoyment to the campus.”
Students enrolled in the class learn about the importance of running a radio station, and why it is essential to work in one.
“Everyone who uses Facebook and Twitter are broadcasters,” said Beaton. “They are broadcasting and now everyone wants to add audio and video but students need to be taught the basics and how to produce audio properly. “
Morae Jordane, 24, FTVM major, returned to Moorpark College and saw that the class was offered and took it.
“Everyone has a choice of what kind of show they want show,” said Jordane. “For me, I want to have a talk radio/rock show. But you can choose what you want to run, some people are doing country or hip-hop, it’s so cool. The station is run by students.”
According to Candice Larson, the lead faculty of FTVM, there is also an internship opportunity if you enroll in the class.
“The Ranch, 99.1 FM, said if we offered this class they would use our students as interns,” said Larson. “This was a great partnership and a direct pathway into the music industry.”
KMCJ-Moorpark Radio can be listened to at http://mcftvm.com/kmcj.html and on iPhones and Androids through the MIXLR app by searching “KMCJ” or by clicking on the following link http://mixlr.com/kmcj/.
FTVM M45 will be offered next spring on Tuesday and Thursday’s from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for those interested.