Chicken Soup for the Soul will pay for true stories, written and video, by college students that explore themes such as tolerance, respect and compassion.
The submissions should be a personal experience or something that happened to someone close. Written submissions must be a non-fiction, original story between 800 and 1,200 words. Videos must be one to four minutes long.
Students whose stories are chosen for publication will receive $200 plus 10 copies of the book titled “Chicken Soup for Soul: What’s Your Story? 101 Stories by College Students About Embracing Differences and Getting Along.”
Chicken Soup for the Soul is a series of best selling books that tell inspirational and motivational stories. Today, Chicken Soup for the Soul has expanded with a YouTube channel, movies and TV show. Their mission statement is “changing the world one story at a time.”
Any college student enrolled in the 2015–2016 school year can submit a story or a video.
The deadline for written and video entries is January 15, 2016.
This is the fourth book in a Chicken Soup for the Soul series published in partnership with The Boniuk Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes “tolerance, respect and compassion, inspiring people to embrace their differences, reject stereotypes and make good choices.”
For further information, and to submit stories or videos, go to