Club Rush scores a lot of sign-ups
Rifaat Kovaider representing the International Students Club on Raider Walk at Club Rush. Photo credit: Jameson Olivas
February 2, 2016
Student organizations found as many as 330 sign-ups at Club Rush according to Richard Real, 21, Associated Students Director of Student Organizations.
Approximately 20 student organizations were represented on Raider Walk from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m, on Jan. 27 and 28. attracting new members from the nearly 700 students passing by this years Club rush, according to Real.
“Very few people know about the event,” said Real. “They get drawn in when they’re walking by. It’s a worthwhile event.”
Several of these student organizations focus on a particular area of interest to draw in like-minded students.
“It’s a good opportunity for students to gather together for common reasons,” said Andrew Stanton, a 23-year-old math major and co-founder of the Math Club.
Students representing their clubs showed a great amount of appreciation and admire what they are able to do when coming together.
Over at the table for the Magician’s Society, Secretary Jessica Shamam, a 21-year-old bio-chemical engineering major, was feeling a bit nervous performing tricks for students along the walk, but had much enthusiasm for the club’s magic training.
“Being part of it is an honor,” said Shamam. “I love this club so much.”
Like a true magician, when asked how a promoted trick was done, Shamam only had one response, “magic.”
Other clubs like the international students club look to help international attendees feel welcome by inviting both residential and non-residential students to attend and make friendships.
“We’ve been really successful, because our club doesn’t only have international students it has a lot of American born and raised students and we’re getting along really well,” said Rifaar Kouaider, 21.
In case you didn’t get a chance to find your new extracurricular home, the next Club Rush is plan to occurs again on Feb. 24 and 25.