The positive side of social media
Rachel Provencal, 19, communications major, and Mike Gharapetian, 19, accounting major, catching up on social media. Photo illustration by Emily Mireles and Gabrielle Biasi
February 20, 2016
When was the last time you WEREN’T on your phone, tablet or computer checking social media? The majority of you are reading this on said device, but that is perfectly okay because technology and social media has become the new social norm in today’s society.
“Twenty-two percent of teenagers log on to their favorite social networking sites more than 10 times a day,” according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. “And more than half of adolescents log on to a social media site more than once a day.”
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 22 percent of teenagers log on to social media sites more than 10 times a day. A study done by Micheal Brody, MD of the American Academy of child and adolescent Psychiatry and Brian Wilcox, PhD of the American Psychology Association shows that there are various benefits of social media that are commonly overlooked.
“Social media/Social networking is the most common activity of today’s children and adolescents,” according to the AAP. “Engaging in various forms of social media is a routine activity that research has shown to benefit children and adolescents by enhancing communications, social connection, and even technical skills.”
Social Media can come in various forms such as social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, gaming sites or virtual worlds like World of Warcraft or video based sites like YouTube. There are virtually millions of different places one can communicate with friends and loved ones form around the world.
It has been said by various people that social media is corrupting our society, that it is an addicting horrid habit that everyone would be better without and has been criticized because of its addicting qualities.
In an article released by, titled Are Social Networking Sites Good For Our Society, they argue that Social Media has addicting qualities.
“The social networking sites prevent face-to-face communication,” the article says. “Social media enables the spread of unreliable and false information.”
But Social Media offers a different and more efficient way for people to communicate with each other. Where as before it would of taken weeks, maybe even months to get a message across, now with a simple swipe, click or push of a button you can send your message to someone at the other side of the world.
There are lots of people that have benefited from society’s obsession with social media. YouTube before was simple a place to share funny home videos, but it has slowly evolved to sharing videos of all kinds, and now it is home to many YouTube celebrities. All, but not limited to Zoella, Casper Lee, Andrea Russett, all who started out making a variety of videos, that include comedy videos, beauty videos and different types of web series.
It was because of their following from YouTube subscribers that they have taken this simple hobby and turned it into a career. It has opened doors for them to go and share their stories with other people around the world hopefully to inspire others to do the same.
Most adolescents are constantly on the go, whether it is with school, work or maintaining a social life, we rarely have time to just sit and relax. The only down time most teenagers really have is when they are surfing the web via social media. It is then they learn about major issues whether it be with our friends or with the world.
Rachel Provencal, 19-year-old communications major, loves social media because it is how she stays informed and being an intern at E News, it also a big part of her job.
“Whenever something is happening in the world, people can found out about it quicker,” said Provencal. “The majority of us young adults become aware of global issues on social media, like Twitter and Instagram. Without social media I wouldn’t have a platform to express myself or keep up with my friends.”
Claire Schultz, 19-year-old business finance major, says that she loves social media because she loves that it keeps her in touch with her friends, especially being in college where everyone is either really busy or living across the country.
“I don’t always get to see them,” said Schultz. “Social media has had major positive influences my life.”
Social media will open many doors for those who choose to allow it too. Allow yourself to appreciate the privilege of being part of this era where the internet is alive and well. Social media is a huge resource that will only better our community and benefit your lives in a positive way.