Health Center Hands Out Unusual, Valentine’s Day Goodie Bags


Cherise Swindell, a Public Health major at CSUN who interns at the Student Health Center sits at the Condoms and Kisses event table on day 2 of the event. Moorpark College Feb 11, 2017 Photo credit: Karen Alvarez

By Karen Alvarez, Staff writer

As people walked in and out of Fountain Hall, some were oblivious to a table set up in the lobby that read Moorpark College Student Health Center. Those that did walk up up, picked up a goodie bag and learned more about what the event was about.

It was the Student Health Center’s annual Condoms and Kisses event that took place on Feb. 7 and 8 from 10 to 3 p.m. Anyone that walked pass the table could pick up a free goodie bag as well as learn more about the center’s numerous health services and safe sex practices.

The table was adorned with a basket of goodie bags and several informational brochures. By day two, over 100 people had picked up a goodie bag, but this goodie bag was atypical of most others. Inside every striped-pink bag were two Hershey’s kisses, and informational card, and one condom.

“It’s just another opportunity for us to give a Valentine to students to remind them about safer sex [practices],” said student health educator and event organizer, Allison Barton.

Barton, along with a student volunteer, prepared the goodie bags in advance so that they could distribute them at the event. According to Barton, having this event prior to Valentine’s Day was ideal because Valentine’s Day is not only the holiday of love, but also the holiday of sex.

According to Barton, the event’s purpose was to inform college students about the consequences that could result from having unsafe sex. Yet equally important, the event was meant to remind students about the importance of consenting.

For one student, Isabella Idea, hearing that the goodie bag was full of Hershey’s kisses enticed her to get one and learn more about the health center.

“There’s a lot of resources,” said Idea. “I’m definitely grateful for that.”

And for others such as biology major, Lexi Brown, these kinds of events help raise awareness and remind college students of the importance of using protection.

Go back some years ago and an event such as Condoms and Kisses wouldn’t have been held on campus said criminal justice student and mother of two, Kara Barber. According to Barber, back when she was in school, sex education wasn’t taught, let alone offered because discussing sex was something of a taboo subject.

The Student Health Center holds these kinds of events free of charge to students to provide more information of various health topics. According to Barton, the Student Health Center uses the student’s health fee to pay for events such as Condoms and Kisses to promote just one of the many health services that the center offers.

According to nursing major, Kim Medrano, events such as Condoms and Kisses are important because it helps raise awareness about safe sex practices that can prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs.

For the people who stopped to pick up their goodie bag, the Condoms and Kisses event was an opportunity to not just get free chocolate, but also to learn more about the Student Health Center and about safer sex practices.

“It’s awesome just to get information out there,” said Barber.