The last strand of ‘HAIR’
Cassidy von Kronemann and Kristofero Morales sing the closing number for “HAIR” during rehearsal. Photo credit: James Schaap
March 22, 2017
As the final performance of ‘HAIR’ at Moorpark College commenced on March 12, cast members in the musical mingled with members in the audience for a unique interactive experience for all.
From the moment of entering the theatre; music, dance, and spirit were a consistent part of the musical until the very last minute. Both Moorpark College and the musical ‘HAIR’ are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year making this play more memorable with its abundance of dance and music. The theater’s large stage was constantly filled with a mass amount of skilled actors and dancers who were able to pull off characters in drug-induced drowsiness while remaining in dance and song without a flaw or shortness of breathe.
Harry Cho, 19-year-old Theatre major who played Berger in half the shows, stated that ‘HAIR’ has been the most physically demanding show he has done. With high expectations, Cho felt the pressure to put on a performance of a lifetime.
“I believe there’s no such thing as a perfect show,” said Cho. “Instead it’s how you recover from the mistakes that make a show perfect.”
John Loprieno, Director, was able to pull off a creative light to ‘HAIR’ while still keeping it true to the original. With such a large cast and crew, many individuals had a chance to put a little bit of their own flair on the production. With the help of Marilyn Anderson, Musical Director, Beth Megill, Choreographer, Haleh Risdana, Costume Designer, and many more talented crew members, the show was a hit at the box office.
‘HAIR’ marked an important part of history where harmony and love clashed with the violence of the Vietnam War. With body paint, costumes, music, dance, and lots of hair, the cast were naturals as they were able to pull off some intense and shocking scenes dated back to the 60’s. Cast mates were able to pull off the truth and themes that the time depicts with popular musical numbers such as the opening “Aquarius” and the ending number, “The Flesh Failures (Let the Sunshine In).
Cassidy Von Kronemann, 22-year-old Theater Arts major, played a pregnant woman Jeannie, in half the performances on the live stage. Kronemann stated that due to the amount of castmates the show included, they became more than just a family.
“We eventually all became one living organism of love and peace and freedom,” said Kronemann. “I couldn’t possibly be more grateful for this amazing experience.”
The leads were double casted, allowing more talent to shine through the performances to really fit and get into character. There was never a dull moment with a cast of 32 on stage and giving their all. With surprising scenes and spirited souls, the actors were all able to meet the many challenges ‘HAIR’ threw at them
Hanna Reed, 20-year-old Acting major, played Crissy in half of the performances as well. Reed was extremely pleased with the outcome of the performances and the feedback they got for the production
“This has been the most thrilling performance I have ever done and it will forever be in my heart,” said Reed.