The President’s Leadership Forum, a class organized by Moorpark College President Luis Sanchez, proposed two projects, with the goal to improve campus life at the college for students.
The first project is a video initiative that would aid students in different areas of campus life and the second project is a lending textbook program partnered with the library.
Sanchez hand picks each student, who are recommended by other faculty, to be mentored on the topic of leadership. During the presentation, Sanchez’s students explained in detail their project goals. These projects are not funded by Moorpark College, but will be voted on by a board of members who assist Sanchez in school matters.
Jonny Valdivia, one of the Leadership Forum students, is working on a campus tour video that is intended to help current and future students find their way through Moorpark’s large campus. These videos will vary in topic, discussing counseling and offered majors, among other topics.
“Our approach is to make timeless videos,” Valdivia said. “We’re trying to utilize as many clubs as possible, like the theater and film club.”
All these clubs are assisting by providing logistical items like actors, equipment, and advice for how to make an impactful video, according to Valdivia.
The second project is a rental textbook partnership with the campus library. Students would have the ability to rent textbooks from the library for free for an entire semester. However, these textbooks will have to be donated.
Gilbert Downs, a library assistant, personally volunteered to support the project. Downs said he has been trying to create a similar project for 10 years.
Ventura College already has a textbook lending program that collects thousands of donated books from students. However, a Ventura College library representative expressed that although the program is beneficial for students, it is extremely dependent on funds.
“Money in the past has been an obstacle, but I am very excited that the President’s Forum is helping out. They are doing the groundwork,” Downs said. “Even students who are not apart of the class are getting involved.”
The library is looking to launch the project after spring break and will use social media to promote Downs said. A bank of laptops, calculators, and different subject textbooks are to be introduced as well.
President Sanchez has high hopes that both projects will succeed after they launch. However, Sanchez does not carry the projects after his students graduate the class. According to Sanchez, launching the project is not the hard part, but sustaining it afterward is very challenging. It is the responsibilities of the students to think how their projects will continue to run after they graduate from the leadership class.
“Preserving these projects after my students leave is the hardest part,” Sanchez said. “But I hope both these projects have a commercial value to it so they run for years after.”