Oxnard College offers a Wildland Fire Academy each summer and the deadline to apply is fast approaching. The summer academy begins June 15 and is eight weeks long. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Matthew Jewett, Assistant Dean of Oxnard College, spoke about the nature of wildland firefighting.
“(Wildland firefighting) for us in this area, is very much what we called Wildland Urban Interface,” Jewett said. “Which means that we’re trying to protect homes that are in the wildland environment and also preserve the natural habitats for wildlife and people to enjoy.”

There are only 40 available seats in the academy and entry is first come, first serve. Applications will only be accepted during the open application period which began on Feb 3. All applications must be received by 3 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28.
“We’re getting a lot of interest, but there are still open spots in the academy, so we encourage anyone that’s interested in applying to apply if they meet the minimum qualifications,” Jewett said.
The eight-week long summer program covers a comprehensive range of subjects such as wildland fire behavior, firefighting skills, portable water delivery systems, wildland fire chainsaws, human factors on the fire line and leadership values.
“Wildland firefighting, just like any firefighting, is very dynamic and we need what we called ‘thinking firefighters,’ people who can make decisions using all the information they have provided and make good decisions quickly and endure physical and mental stressors,” Jewett said.
Cadets will learn by spending time in the field where they will use shovels and other hand tools to dig and construct fire lines, learn how to use personal protective equipment and how to quickly evacuate to safety zones in challenging conditions.

Roy Peters, student at the Oxnard College Fire Technology program, spoke about his experience so far.
“I chose Oxnard College’s academy because I wanted to be a part of a program that would put me above other candidates when applying to fire departments, and Oxnard College’s academy was the perfect fit,” Peters said. “I chose it because it’s close to where I live, it’s affordable, and it has an extremely good reputation of preparing fire fighters of the future.”
There are two prerequisites to be eligible for the program. All applicants must have received Emergency Medical Technician Certification as well as the FT R151 – Fire Protection Organizations course with a grade of a C or higher.
Applicants interested in applying for and receiving an Oxnard College Certificate of Achievement for the Fire Academy must have completed EMT R169 or equivalent (8 units), FT R151 or equivalent (3 units) and FT R170 OC Fire Academy (18 units).
During the summer program, the Wildland Fire Academy provides the cadets with the opportunity to earn California State Fire Marshal and National Wildfire Coordinating Group certifications.
“All these certifications apply to getting jobs with Cal Fire and the U.S Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management,” Jewett said. “Many of them end up working for the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Cal Fire, and local fire departments. Everything from local municipal departments to federal fire departments … they’re getting hired all over the place.”
The Wildland firefighting academy at Oxnard College is an excellent resource for those looking to make the next step towards their firefighting career.
“I haven’t heard of the Wildland academy before today, but I think the whole fire department at Oxnard College is cool because it gives people an opportunity to get a good job and protect their community,” Kaleb Baxter, an engineering student at Moorpark College said.
Those interested in applying can find an application on Oxnard College’s website and turn it in at the Oxnard College Fire Academy Offices at 104 Durley Avenue Camarillo, CA 93010 by Friday, Feb. 28 at 3 p.m.