On March 11, 2021, Simi Valley experienced its first snowfall in a long time. Ventura County had been struck by a thunderstorm that had left the ground wet for the past few days.
Earlier in the day, a portion of Simi Valley residents had their power shut off due to strong thunder and lightning. Around 4 p.m. the eastern edge of Simi Valley saw a rare sight when thick hail started falling from the sky which resulted in snow-like conditions.
Most people in other states are used to the sight of snow, but for the residents of Southern California, this is unusual to say the least.
At the intersection of Yosemite Avenue and Los Angeles Avenue, crowds gathered to play in the snow.
Local landmarks to Simi Valley residents such as Vons, 7-Eleven and Ventura County Fire Station 43 all had a blanket of snow.
A couple from the San Fernando Valley drove up over the hill to give their daughter Alison her first experience in the snow.
“Teaching her how to pick up the snow with her hands and form the cold powder into a ball is where it all begins,” relayed Summer Klein, Alison’s mother.

For the East Coast, this light dusting is nothing compared to their winter storms. But for Southern California residents, this is a rare sight.
A lifetime Simi Valley resident, Zack Collins, enjoyed seeing snow on the grass.
“The first thing I want to do when I see snow is to build a snowman, even though it is very cliché,” states Collins. “Being able to pack the snow together and create something is both fun and also satisfying.”
Families were out in their front yard and pulled off on the side of the road to play in the little snow that had fallen on the ground.
Some residents didn’t believe it was snowing until they saw it for themselves. This was the case for Simi Valley resident Ryan Sehler.
“My girlfriend had come home from work and walked in the door screaming that it was snowing. I didn’t believe her so we drove down the street a little and sure enough, there was snow,” stated Sehler.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance for Simi Valley residents and it is unlikely to happen again for a long time. It was a fun afternoon of snow, but it was fully melted by morning because of how warm the ground was.
If school was in session and not virtual learning, it would have most certainly been referred to as a snow day, as it is in other states.