ASMC approves new clubs for Fall 2022 semester

Greenery surrounds the Moorpark College Library. Image provided by VCCCD photo archive.

By Gabriel Sanchez-Rivera

The Associated Students of Moorpark College approved the creation of multiple clubs for this fall semester during their Aug. 29 board meeting. Board members casted their votes of approval after hearing club representatives share their objectives and club constitutions.

During this meeting, ASMC voted to include the TropiCali Brasil Club and the Lacrosse Club. TropiCali Brasil Club President Yasser Daychoum, a second-year Moorpark student with Brazilian heritage, explained what the club is striving to achieve.

“We have intentions of sharing and discussing Brazilian culture, politics, history, news and gathering club members for Brazilian holidays and special dates where we can have Brazilian meals, watch national movies and even teach the Portuguese language to those willing to learn it,” Daychoum said.

Sage Tollefson serves as the ASMC vice president. Tollefson was impressed by TropiCali Brasil’s presentation, citing its outline as an effective means of communicating the club’s mission.

“[TropiCali Brasil] had created a PowerPoint to outline their presentation which lead to clear talking points, aiding the overall organization and effectiveness when presenting,” Tollefson said.

Abbey Austin-Wood, the ASMC budget and finance director, is a fourth-year environmental science major and expressed her thoughts on the clubs that were presented this Monday.

“Everything was great,” Austin-Wood said. “[The clubs] had thoroughly detailed roles for their club members and did a great presentation.”

Another club that sought approval from the ASMC Board was the Lacrosse Club. Vice President Noam Michaels presented the club to the board.

Michaels, a first-year student at Moorpark College, explained that the goals of the Lacrosse Club centered around creating a demand for the sport and growing its recognition.

“Even though millions of kids play it in high school, [lacrosse] somehow still isn’t recognized by the body,” Michaels said.

Michaels shared that the Lacrosse Club already had 30 members prior to this ASMC meeting.

After hearing about the club’s goals and successful beginnings, the board members held off on approval until the club’s election dates were changed. Once this change was made and voted on, the board then approved the creation of the club.

“We had the Lacrosse Club change their election dates so that they could have their elections in the spring,” said Austin-Wood. “That way, they’ll be on time and ready for spring registration for their club [and for Club Rush].”

Details on Club Rush and other student government hosted events are provided during ASMC’s weekly meetings on Mondays at 3:30 p.m. Meetings can be attended in person at the ASMC Conference Room or through Zoom. For more information on ASMC’s meetings and activities, click here.