On May 4, Moorpark College’s Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble held their biannual “Harmonious Journeys” concert, which showcased a slew of memorable performances. From the Moorpark College...
The Moorpark College music department hosted their first "Live Mixtape" performance on April 27 in the Performing Arts Center, where the audience experienced the different genres of rock, jazz, country...
On Feb. 21, the Moorpark College music department held their fourth “Sonic Series” workshop titled "Using Your Nerves to Your Advantage," where students took a deeper dive into the causes of...
On Jan. 24, 2024, Moorpark College's music department provided a novel experience for students with their first "Sonic Series" workshop titled “Full Spectrum Voice.”Fahad Siadat, a distinguished...
On Oct. 28, 2023, students of the Moorpark College music department unveiled remarkable performances in the annual instrumental showcase, “A Dynamic Evening of Music.”
Director Brendan McMullin...