It seems as though the Ventura County Community College District has made the worst decision yet.
It seemed as though things couldn’t get much worse when three sports programs were suspended at Moorpark College. It also looked pretty bad when classified workers from the district came together and spoke out against all the cuts they were going through.
The thing is that all of this happened at the Sept. 8 board meeting. Not to be outdone, the board went one step further and cut all three public information officers from the individual campuses.
What is the first thing that catches your eye when you visit the individual campus websites? Chances are it’s the constantly up-to-date news & events section on the left side of the screen.
When it comes down to it, students need this position, whether they know who fills it or not. It allows them to locate everything quickly and conveniently.
“It is important because you don’t have to call the school to get information,” said Ashley Meizel, a 19-year-old nursing major at Moorpark College. “You just go to one place and it will give you all the details.”
Now, that is from the student’s perspective. However, from the reporter’s point of view, they have truly been life savers for the Student Voice on many occasions.
But, it can’t just be for the newspaper here on campus, because you better believe that that e-mail is probably tagged to roughly 100 other e-mails.
When it gets down to it that is what makes the campuses work. What draws students to these campuses isn’t always the academics, and cutting down the publicity of the programs that are offered here is not the smartest way to tread water during this time.
The district will make it out of this alright, that isn’t the question, but was getting rid of the PIO’s the smartest path? The Student Voice thinks not.
OPINION: Public information officers cut from all three campuses
By David Lopez
October 21, 2009