Fifty Shades sparks BDSM craze


Increased interest of BDSM apparent at more mall stores than ever before. Photo credit: Jon Suarez

By Jon Suarez

The release of E. L. James’ infamous novel Fifty Shades of Grey has shed a dim light on an erotic phenomenon known as BDSM (Bondage, Dominance, Sadism, Masochism) but many fail to understand how threatening it can be towards one’s life, both physically and emotionally, if not practiced safely.

BDSM allows for extreme cases of control over a person, yet there is a sense of trust where partners know they will be taken advantage of only to an extent. In Julianne’s experience, BDSM has become a positive influence on her life.

“It was brilliant!” said Julianne* in an interview posted on “I had never felt more at peace and yet so stimulated in my life! I could finally let go, and let someone else take the reigns for once.”

This excitement is intoxicating for some and leaves partners with an undying desire for more, as it did Julianne. It becomes a passionate way for lovers to express themselves. The harm comes when inexperienced partners begin experimenting with the dangerous fetish.

In a 2008 ABC News article, a Canadian college professor, Robert Benjamin, was found passed out in a sadomasochism club and was rushed to the hospital. The 67-year-old passed out due to lack of blood flow to his head while he was hanging by his arms. After a 3-day coma, he awoke only to swear he would never step foot in that sort of life threatening environment again.

More recently, since the release of Fifty Shades of Grey in 2011, the amount of sex toy related injuries in hospitals almost doubled, 83 percent of which need a “foreign body removal” according to the Washington Post.

Although bondage seems to be the next hot topic in the sex world, it is important for partners to understand that bondage is not the only way to show true passion in the bedroom. Most partners confuse love and lust which are mixed together in a confusing body that represents the media and the public. Partners should do what brings them happiness, joy, and other great sensations to the bedroom.

Just like in life, experimenting with any new experience in a safe manner could enhance your life positively, or it could become a story to never speak of again.

But just like in life, you have to understand the dangers you put yourself in. Only you know your body and you know what you can handle. Don’t be afraid to say no when you need to. You never know until you know.

For information regarding safe sex, follow this link here:

For rather impressive stats following the release of Fifty Shades, follow this like here:

*Julianne was not given a last name in the original piece by request.