The Health Center is coordinating a three-part series of events that will promote physical and mental wellness, which includes ways to manage stress, for the Year of Wellness in the month of November.
“I can assure you it will be really exciting and very interesting,” said Coordinator of Year of Wellness events, Professor Svetlana Kasalovic. “We are hosting events, discussions, activities, and academic explorations of how our preconceived notions intersect with the reality of physical, mental, spiritual, economic, and relational wellness.”
“There are four times more [events] than ever before because interest is high,” said Kasalovic.
The events include a special Mindfulness Training presentation on Thursday, Nov. 5, a Tai Chi presentation and practice on Thursday, Nov. 12 and a yoga practice session Nov. 19. All seminars, presentations and practices are open to the community and are free of charge.
“There’s a difference about learning how to be well but actually doing things to be well,” said Allison Barton.
Mindfulness Training for academic success is an hour-long mindfulness training session regularly held Mondays at 1 p.m. and Tuesdays at 4 p.m. in Fountain Hall 112A. Mindfulness training for academic success improves concentration, focus, memory and performance in class and tests.
The training follows an eight-week model that covers a different topic and a different practice each week. After eight weeks, the cycle repeats.
“Our intent is to provide an opportunity for anyone in the Moorpark College community to learn simple mindfulness practices that have proven benefits for your life as a student, a professor, a college administrator or staff person,” said Allison Barton, health educator and coordinator of Lets Get Physical (and Mental). “Mindfulness reduces stress because it allows you to focus on one thing because the one reason why people get stressed out are because their minds are busy. When people practice mindfulness, they can also reduce stress that way.”
The special Mindfulness Training presentation will be related to this year’s theme of discussion, wellness. This will go deeper into the theory of mindfulness, providing more information about how it works and going into its practices.
The Health Center will be hosting a presentation and practice on Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese tradition practiced as a form of meditation, with Tai Chi teacher Chester Lin who is also a college alumni. It will happen in room 1-G 122 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
A yoga practice will also be offered, led by English Professor Sydney Sims on Nov. 19, at 12 p.m to 12:50 p.m room PA 107.
“Physical activity all on its own reduces stress so yoga and Tai Chi are physical activities, that all just because your moving will decrease stress,” said Barton.
Julia Schipp, a 19-year-old child development major, thought yoga was a good idea for college students.
“I think it’s really helpful for students who are have stress in work and life,” Schipp said. “It’s free exercises and ideas or advice to lower stress.”
For more information about the event, how to manage stress or any health issues students can contact Allison Barton at the Health Center located at the Administration Building in room A-111. The Health Center is open Mondays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Fridays 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Health Center’s website provides general information about the Student Health Center and its services.
Moorpark College also has its own website on Mindfulness Training, .