Students and staff accept the Xtreme Raider Challenge


FLeX member and CSUN student Brock Cushman jumping off the wall at the final stage of the Xtreme Raider Challenge. Photo credit: Nick Gurrola

Frank Ralph and Nick Gurrola

By Nick Gurrola

The fourth annual Xtreme Raider Challenge saw a 1.2 mile course with 20 different obstacles for challengers to endure.

Faculty member in health and kinesiology Jeff Kreil, was very pleased with the turnout and all the sponsors that came to support the event.

“Since our first year, we had 60 competitors, this year we had 177 competitors,” said Kreil. “Our first year we had two sponsors. This year we have 26 companies who have been represented and that doesn’t include all the companies who have donated to us.”

Some obstacles featured walls that contestants had to jump over, barriers to crawl under and a large final wall at the end that separated the athletes from the finish line.

Competitors also performed: crab walks, bear crawls, army crawls, jumping jacks with battle ropes, overhead squats and running; lots of running.

The running aspects of the course happened to be the toughest part for Cal State Northridge student and FLeX club member Brock Cushman.

“I’m not the most cardio savvy guy,” said Cushman. “It’s 1.2 miles, so it’s challenging, but it’s not undo-able.”

Crystal Cassese, who has been a member off and on with the FLeX club since 2012, had a role in setting up the event and helping the interns out with some of the work they did.

“My role was more administrative, as far as coordinating our FLeX booth and selling off raffle tickets for the event,” said Cassese.

Cassese, who also competed in the event, had an intense experience in the Xtreme Raider Challenge.

“It was so much fun,” said Cassese. “By half of [the course], getting up to the parking structure, I was dying. The two hill runs were also intense. It feels really good to say I accomplished it.”

Kreil isn’t too sure of any improvements to make for next year, but definitely wants mother nature to cooperate with them a little bit more for following events.

“It’s a beautiful day, but it’s super windy which is making it a little chaotic,” said Kreil. “We want to find ways to get the word out more [for next year] even if people aren’t racing, just to come out here and hangout enjoy the food, and cheer their friends on.”

For anyone that missed the Xtreme Raider Challenge, be sure the sign up for the Raider Pentathlon in the spring semester. This event will feature five different stations that will test its competitors’ fitness. The official date is yet to be determined.