‘All about Jazz’ dedicates its performance to the passing of young jazz musician


Pianist and Music major Matt Latta, 19, center, rehearses with the rest of the Jazz A band, for the upcoming performance of “All About Jazz” on Dec. 10. Photo credit: Emily Mireles

By Emily Mireles

The Moorpark College Music department pays tribute a young jazz musician in this semesters rendition of “All About Jazz”

Every semester the award winning Moorpark College Jazz ensemble, composed of two bands, put on a performance to showcase their range of talent. However due to the recent passing of Benny Goblin, an extremely talented and young jazz musician and teacher at the Children of Promise Preparatory Academy, the show is being dedicated entirely to his memory.

Brennen McMullin, music faculty at Moorpark College and director of the show, was a good friend of Goblin and wants to make sure that the show not only pushes the limits of the music but also inspires a musical connection.

“Being part of a show like this always a unique experience,” said Mcmullin. “I want to push the limits with the music we are playing, music that the audience can connect with.”

With the more complex music comes more challenging cords and bars to perfect, leading the musicians to have to work that much harder for the show to go off without a hitch.

Matt Latta, 19, Music major, is one of two pianos players performing, and with multiple solos throughout the show, practicing and perfecting has become even more important.

“Trying to get a solo that sounds melodic and not rambling has been a challenge,” said Latta. “It’s been a learning experience, especially with some of the complex cords. But having a goal, like how the audience reacts to the show, and just the show in general motivates me.”

With musical styles ranging from early swing classics to modern masterpieces, McMullin wants this performance to be one of a kind.

“We just want to give the best representation we can,” said McMullin. “To have the audience experience a musical connection, that goose bumps moment they won’t forget.”

All about jazz take place Saturday Dec.10 at 8 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. Tickets prices range from $8-$12 and can be purchased online or at the box office there.

The Jazz A Band rehearses one of their numbers for their upcoming showcase “All About Jazz.”